A cocoon from Spain to Serbia

Case Studie Cocoon from Spain to Serbia

Some of the cargo that EMS Log transports from one corner of Europe to the other looks mysterious at first glance. This strange thing was built in Girona/Spain and brought to Zrenjanin/Serbia. Inside the white cocoon is a DAF, a name no less mysterious to laypeople. A DAF is a „Dissolved Air Flotation“ system used […]

A colossus in Papenburg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaoOFqM60Mg At the terminal of EFG Port Papenburg, a large variety of cargoes can be handled. Even very big and heavy pieces don’t pose a problem. In December 2021, a segment of an old railroad bridge was delivered to our 350-meter quay. The colossus is about 50 meters long and weighs several hundred tons. A […]

Factories for Africa

We handled the entire transport of two cement factories to West Africa with 12,000 freight tons and 19,000 freight tons respectively. The components came from Germany, Austria, Slovakia, China and the UAE. Our team organized the in-time delivery to the different building sites. CONTACT Dominic Sleur EMS Log +49 421 380 459 200

Windmills over the dyke

EMS Chartering organized the transport of seven wind turbines from Germany to England. The turbines had to be discharged at a makeshift pier in the tidal river Crouch – a special challenge for the ship’s master. Thanks to the close cooperation with the team of EMS Shipmanagement, the sister company in charge of the technical […]

Pipes for Angola

For three months, „Fehn Courage“ acted as floating storage for a pipe-laying vessel off the coast of Angola. The vessel loaded the pipelines in Trieste and transited across the Gulf of Guinea to the oil field. CONTACT Matthias Hesse EMS Shipmanagement +49 491 928 155

Drilling platform in the mountains

EMS-Fehn-Group organized the transport of an onshore drilling rig from Papenburg/Germany via Durres/Albania to the drilling site including pre- and onward carriage, transshipments, intermediate storage, road survey, permits, customs clearance and office services. 400 different parts with weights up to 40 tons had to be transported on unpaved roads over mountainous terrain. Highly satisfied with […]


Over a period of five years, Durrës-based German Albanian Logistics Agency (GALA) acted as a full service provider for main contractors of the TAP project. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline runs 215 km through Albania – from the Greek border to the Adriatic Sea – and is part of of the Southern Gas Corridor, which transports […]